Flow Nayo Campaign

flow nayo copy


Flying Fish – Tanzania Breweries limited.




11 April, 2022

Here to Know About This Campaign

Campaign Name: Flow nayo

Agency: Dentsu 

Client: Flying Fish – Tanzania Breweries limited.

The Brief

The Tanzania beer market is saturated with beers in all categories. Moreover, beer brands such as Safari and Kilimanjaro have been in the market for over 20 years. These brands had very high top of mind awareness with great equity making it hard for drinkers to switch. AbinBev were looking to launch a foreign beer as part of their innovation drive to their young Audience between 18 -25 years. The catch was they didn’t want to spend a lot on a brand that was untested and in a market recovering from covid.  They needed us to work on launch that will make people aware and try this new beer and try it out.


Tanzanian market is hugely driven by influencers specifically the ones with Gossip and entertainment content. Most of the news is received as Gossip with online gossip outlet being the most believable channel especially when it comes to breaking news. The news will later be picked by mainstream. We careful analyzed and chose one radio host influencer called Millard Ayo. An entertainment and gossip show hosts and  influencer with 10.9m million followers as a one medium to help us amplify awareness about our new beer. We knew that if he covered news of our beer it will reach the masses and result to trial.

The Big Idea

The Flying fish beer is vibe. Any gathering that has flying fish has vibe. You don’t plan for it. It just happens. Best way for you to enjoy it is to . . Flow with it. Where are we going? Come on man just flow with it! What beer is this? Don’t ask, we Flow Nayo!.

Execution (including creative )

We launched the campaign with a rumour. A rumour that a flying fish was seen in the coast of Dar es Salaam. We recorded videos of a fisherman claiming to have seen the fish with a promise that they will catch the fish and show it to the world. This was posted on dark social. The rumour was picked posted on Millard Ayo Instagram/YouTube page with a tag of breaking news followed by coverage of the same on a his radio show on national radio. Once we were certain that we had people’s attention Millard Ayo announced the date of the big reveal where we will show the world the flying fish.

Playing on people’s fear of missing out, we organized the reveal which was an invite only event when we actually revealed the beer. The invite list consisted of 50 Tanzania influencers who got to experience the beer and got to go home with customized wooden boxes with a 6 pack of flying fish and other unique giveaways. The customized wooden boxes made the influencers feel so unique that they started creating their own content organically prompting the beer. And when consumers asked what is flying fish? Instead of responding with the expected answer, we just responded by telling consumers to just flow with it and enjoy the vibe. The whole idea was executed only on digital


  • 150% sales target achieved with stock running out in the first 2 weeks.
  • 4 million people reached
  • 28M impressions
  • 8M engagements
  • 21M video views


  • Source: Edward Shila – GM Dentsu.
  • Agency: Dentsu 
  • Brand: Flying Fish
  • Client: Tanzania Breweries limited.
  • Distribution patterns may not be as critical
  • Duration: September 21 – December 21
  • Duration: September 21 – December 21Team; Edward Shila -Gm, Makida Dallas & Winnie Mollel – Client Services, Wilfred Magotti – Executive Creative Director, Edson Kalokola – Art Director, Abraham Sebastian – Copy Writer , Abdul Omary & Simon Mduma – Digital, Rachel Edson – Project officer.


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