Lilian Mangaru


Lilian Mangaru  / The marketer.


Marketing Manager.


Knauf Gypsum EA

What do you do?


Brands you have worked with:

Johnnie Walker, Smirnoff, Gordon’s, Baileys, Ciroc

Favorite Brand & Why
  • Knauf .A family business that has great heritage and substantially grown to a multinational giant with presence around the globe. A brand that offers modern,innovative yet affordable solutions within the construction space.
  • Johnnie Walker. Has an amazing history, the different variants have their unique stories and its tagline Keep walking aspires one to always push boundaries and keep walking no matter what
Your Favorite local marketing /advertising campaign:

Cocacola – share a coke

Who do you admire in the industry?

Nandi Mwiyombela, Anitha Rwehumbiza, Kevin Twissa

Best Marketing Advice you have ever received?

Love your brand, love what you do. Customers come first but they are not always right

Words to other marketers

Most brand execution campaigns have more or less neen done sometimes in the past. Always find a way to do it better.