Marketing for Media Startup – why it Matters

Marketing for Media Start-Up – Why it

Marketing for Media Start-Up – Why it

The success you achieve with your media startup business will heavily rely on your reputation as a trustworthy company, and as Nandi Mwiyombella writes, it will also open a new window for customers and potential investors.
Starting a media startup business – whether big or small – involves a lot, with little time to factor marketing strategies that will be key for the successful execution of the venture.
That said, having a sound marketing plan and strategy greatly enriches your company’s awareness level. Your strategy and plan serve as a compass to guide you as you navigate the market place in which your business operates. It is a tool that drives focus and protects your reputation, which is essential for building trust and credibility.

Opportunity for clients and investors
The success you achieve with your media startup business will heavily rely on your reputation as a trustworthy company. This will also open a new window for customers and potential investors. Your marketing activities will build a brand name and open new windows of credibility and trust as your reputation grows. As a result, your business and sales will also grow with new opportunities.
At this point you have probably learnt a thing or two that are helpful for media startup business that are useful when strategizing on branding, media, social media accounts management and marketing.
As a media startup, you need to focus on the following areas, although not to the exclusion of other factors.

1) Addressing the pain point
This is understanding the reason why your customers are looking for your product or service. It is important to address these issues directly in your marketing messages and every other place where you think your customer will interact with your brand. You should also strive to create content that resonates with customers’ preferences without sounding pushing a sale. In so doing, you will automatically improve their trust in your brand. They are likely to consider you as a potential leader in the industry if they keep consuming your useful content on a regular basis. Eventually, they will recommend you to other consumers of your product.

2) Being very clear to your audience on your messaging
Being precise on how your product is responding to and addressing their needs is important, because this is what the target audience wants to know from the onset. Equally important is capturing the benefits that your product or service provides and how it will meet these needs. Use different types of content on your media channels and social media handles to share with your customers what makes your product unique. Let them know why you are the best option for them. Make use of different proof points – such as graphs, statistics and testimonials – to deliver your message. However, avoid focusing too much on sales. It can be a deal-breaker for most of them. The idea should be more about what value you deliver.

3) Scanning the market to understand your competition
Having an understanding of the competition will give you better visibility and choosing an area of focus, through your strategy and plan. It is of utmost importance to understand your competitors’ most popular communication and social media channels, how they have positioned themselves on those channels, the marketing campaigns that gave them the most successful results, as well as how they address and engage their customers. Studying your competitors’ strategy will make a huge difference in terms of precision and meticulousness.

4) Establish whose needs you intend to meet
This goes beyond identifying target audience. At this point you are going granular to enable you to crystalize your strategy and plan. Customer personas for your brand and your audience are fundamental for the success of your business. A clear definition of your audience personas or buyer personas will help you with content creation and laying down strategies that will resonate with them. Language and tone of voice are a major consideration here. These will suggest areas your target audience will interact with your brand and their motivations and expectations. Having an audience persona will act like a guide for you on how to interact with your audience and it will also ensure consistency.

5) Communicating and engaging your target effectively
This includes matching the type of content with the persona established. You should ask yourself the following questions: How do they like to consume content? Are they simple people or do they like to be impressed? How do they engage with their friends or followers on social media platforms? Once you have answers to all these questions, you will be able to engage them with topics that matters to them and make them interact with your brand and more so become ambassadors.

6) Create content that your target audience engages with
Create and post different types of content that are impactful, compelling, and, most importantly, widely shareable. By so doing, your followers will feel compelled to share your content on their platform on their own volition, simply because they will find it interesting. This will in turn expand your pool of potential customers and ultimately increase your sales. Contents that are dynamic like videos or animations are proven to be more impactful than static content, so ensure to strike the right balance.

This Article was published written and published for
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The author is a Branding & Marketing practitioner and the founder of Brand Insider Tanzania. Can be reached on

Posted in Masterclass

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